Saturday, August 25, 2018

Wedding photography woes; get your iphone out of my scene please!

I really hate to complain, for the most part, but I recently shot a wedding for some really neat clients and was appalled to find that my endeavors were repeatedly confounded by guests thrusting their cellphones, with oft trembling hands, into my scene!

I was discussing this with one of my daughters later, who is herself planning a wedding, and she told me that the photographers she was talking to about her wedding had complained to her regarding this very same problem.
This actually leaves me a bit perplexed, and here are some of the issues that I have with this practice. First of all, I know that the advent of current technology has made us all photographers at some level, but what I don't get is the sense that many seem to have of entitlement to use the devices indiscriminately.  I think that we are coming to a place in society where we need to add a disclaimer to the box that a new cellphone is packaged in that explains basic photojournalism responsibilities.  Mutual respect for one and intellectual rights for another.

I'm also perplexed by the narcissistic overtones involved with intruding on a scene. I can see why someone would be so brazen as to disrespect me, I mean you don't even know me. But, the question is: "Why would you be so disrespectful to the person whose wedding I'm shooting?" Do you really think that your little shaky cellphone shot somehow carries more value to the people whose nuptials are being celebrated than mine does, the people who are paying me thousands of dollars to be there and use my expensive equipment to record their memories?

Please keep your phones out of my scene. It's rude and it's obnoxious. It's also infringing on my creativity. If you want a clever, well thought out shot of a scene, then ask the bride for a copy of the shot later, or get together with her on your own time and plan one out for yourself.